Blog: November 2021

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  • Chris McPhail (Executive Director)
    The word family has been ingrained alongside the Impact Off Road brand since it’s start date 20 years ago. It has always been a family affair when Brent McPhail laid the foundation over the past two decades for its next successor to have a platform to build off of and make it their own. Chris McPhail, commander and chief of Impact Off Road has taken the reins of the company.
    Posted: Thursday 25 November 2021
  • Posted: Thursday 25 November 2021
  • Cameron Barr, Impact Off Road Group Sales Rep
    Towering at approximately 6.6 feet tall, Cameron Barr is a key member to our sales team at Impact Off Road. With only a limited 4 months donning the blues and whites, Cameron has made a huge statement around the north island in terms of his sales and service skills. Alongside his ability to close a sale, the 6′6″ salesman finds his way on the steepest slopes and wettest pastures demonstrating just exactly what the Impact Quadtruck can do.
    Posted: Wednesday 10 November 2021
