Meet Ian Anderson (Sales Manager)

With a vast resume of high credentials expanding across the automotive industry and a witty, intelligent and caring personality to match, Ian Anderson fits the Impact Off Road mold without force or hesitation. Working for Mercedes, Giltrap Group, Ebbett Group and his history in selling commercial vehicles, trucks and trailers, Ian has a rich background in understanding exactly what the customer wants and needs. His day to day decision making is based on what will benefit the customer most and that has filtered into his colleagues around him and his family as he is always putting others first before himself. 

Ian has been working at Impact Off Road for roughly 2 years and has not looked back since. He loves traveling across New Zealand to show off the Impact Quad Truck on all types of farms, horse studs, valleys and creeks. Outside of work, Ian enjoys spending time with his family and living through his faith.

Impact Off-Road is a family owned business. Built over 20 years ago, it has been making bold strides through the various agricultural, horticultural, dairy, forestry sectors across New Zealand and internationally. In any company, it is an integral cog in the gear that its people believe in what they are doing. Chris McPhail, owner and chief of operations at Impact Off Road, sought out to find his missing links that would allow the company to expand, grow and flourish on the back of its already reputable reputation for another 20 years and more. 
